- What is Data Structures
- Applications of Datat Structure
- What is an Algorithm & It's Characteristics
- Asymptotic Notations
- What is Space Complexity
- Array in Data Structure
- Algorithm for Insertion in Array
- Sparse Matrix
- Introduction to Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a Node at the End of the Linked list
- Algorithm to Insert a Node at the Front of the Linked List
- Algorithm to Delete a Node from Linked list
- Circular Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a Node in the Circular Linked list
- Algorithm to delete a node from the circular linked list
- Doubly Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a node in a doubly Linked list
- Algorithm to Delete a Node from the Doubly Linked List
- Stack Data Structure
- Algorithm to convert Infix to Postfix
- Queue Data Structure
- Circular Queue in Data Structure
- What is a Tree Data Structure
- Binary Tree and It's Types
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- Red-Black Tree
- What is a graph data structure & types of graph
- Graph Reperesntation Techniques
- Breath First Search (BFS)
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Difference between BFS and DFS
- Spanning Tree
- kruskal Algorithm-Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
- Prim's Algorithm- Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
- Difference between Kruskal's & Prims
- Dijkstra's Algorithm-Single Source Shortest Path
- Linear search algorithm
- Binary Search
- Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Insertion Sort Algorithm
- Selection Sort Algorithm
- Quick Sort Algorithm
- Merge Sort Algorithm
- Difference between Quick sort Vs Merge sort
- Bucket Sort Algorithm
- Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
- Introduction to a Linked List
- What is a Data Structure & Types of Data Structures
- What is Data Structures
- Applications of Datat Structure
- What is an Algorithm & It's Characteristics
- Asymptotic Notations
- What is Space Complexity
- Array in Data Structure
- Algorithm for Insertion in Array
- Sparse Matrix
- Introduction to Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a Node at the End of the Linked list
- Algorithm to Insert a Node at the Front of the Linked List
- Algorithm to Delete a Node from Linked list
- Circular Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a Node in the Circular Linked list
- Algorithm to delete a node from the circular linked list
- Doubly Linked List
- Algorithm to Insert a node in a doubly Linked list
- Algorithm to Delete a Node from the Doubly Linked List
- Stack Data Structure
- Algorithm to convert Infix to Postfix
- Queue Data Structure
- Circular Queue in Data Structure
- What is a Tree Data Structure
- Binary Tree and It's Types
- Binary Search Tree
- AVL Tree
- Red-Black Tree
- What is a graph data structure & types of graph
- Graph Reperesntation Techniques
- Breath First Search (BFS)
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Difference between BFS and DFS
- Spanning Tree
- kruskal Algorithm-Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
- Prim's Algorithm- Minimum Cost Spanning Tree
- Difference between Kruskal's & Prims
- Dijkstra's Algorithm-Single Source Shortest Path
- Linear search algorithm
- Binary Search
- Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Insertion Sort Algorithm
- Selection Sort Algorithm
- Quick Sort Algorithm
- Merge Sort Algorithm
- Difference between Quick sort Vs Merge sort
- Bucket Sort Algorithm
- Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
- Introduction to a Linked List
- What is a Data Structure & Types of Data Structures