Algorithm to convert Infix to Postfix

Let, X is an arithmetic expression written in infix notation. This algorithm finds the equivalent postfix expression Y.

  1. Push “(“onto Stack, and add “)” to the end of the given arithmetic expression.
  2. Scan the given expression from left to right and repeat step 3 to 6 until the Stack is empty.
  3. If an operand is encountered, add it to expression.
  4. If a left parenthesis is encountered, push it onto Stack.
  5. If an operator is encountered ,then:
    1. Repeatedly pop from Stack and add to expression each operator (on the top of Stack) which has the same precedence as or higher precedence than operator.
    2. Add operator to Stack.
    3. [End of If]
  6. If a right parenthesis is encountered ,then:
    1. Repeatedly pop from Stack and add to expression each operator (on the top of Stack) until a left parenthesis is encountered.
    2. Remove the left Parenthesis.
    3. [End of If]
    4. [End of If]
  7. END.